Pain Medications in Pets – What’s safe and what’s not?

Pain is the most uncomfortable sensation that we all try to avoid – think tooth ache, ear ache, torn knee ligaments, back ache, post-surgical pain… If you’ve ever experienced one of these, and chances are pretty good you have experienced more than one, it can be very difficult to function normally. Getting on with your…

Young Children & Ageing Pets – What you need to know

Pets and children usually go hand-in-hand. The benefits of a non-judgemental pal for a child is immeasurable, and the attention and exercise that pets get by spending time with ‘short-legged’ people is great for their wellbeing too. However, there are a few factors which need special consideration when pets get older as well as when…

Hyperthyroidism in Cats – When your kitty is running on ‘speed’

Hyperthyroidism is a hormonal imbalance that affects many older cats. There are a few different ways that it can develop, but the end result is that there is too much thyroid hormone being produced causing the cat’s metabolism to go into overdrive. What are the signs associated with hyperthyroidism? increased appetite – many cats are…

Kidney Disease in Cats – Why is it so common?

Kidney or Renal Disease is a common problem in cats, especially as they age. In fact, more than half of cats over 15 years old are affected by some form of renal disease. Some breeds (Persians, Himalayans and British Shorthairs) may be predisposed to kidney problems, however, any cat can develop renal failure if there…