Kidney Disease in Cats – Why is it so common?

Kidney or Renal Disease is a common problem in cats, especially as they age. In fact, more than half of cats over 15 years old are affected by some form of renal disease. Some breeds (Persians, Himalayans and British Shorthairs) may be predisposed to kidney problems, however, any cat can develop renal failure if there…


Fleas! Got you itching and scratching?

Fleas are nasty little critters that are responsible for causing pets a huge amount of discomfort. And there’s nothing like seeing a flea on your beloved pet, to make you twitch and itch for hours after wondering if they’ve jumped on you too! What are fleas and why are they a problem in pets? Fleas…


Hay Fever in Pets?

Runny, itchy eyes? sneezing, runny nose? Sound familiar? Yes, pets can get seasonal allergies too. Rubbing their faces; scratching their ears or shaking their heads; red, itchy bellies, armpits and feet, can all be associated. How do you know if they have an allergy or an infection? Well, sometimes this can be a little complicated.…


Scratch On The Eye?

Dogs, cats and other pets generally live their lives with great enthusiasm and wild abandon when it comes to running through bushes, climbing trees or scrummaging through hay in their hutches. And when compared to the number of times people are seen for a scratch on their eyeball, pets do this sort of thing relatively…


Heat Stress – A Not-So-Secret Killer

It’s common knowledge that leaving your pet in a hot car is asking for trouble – both for your pet and for yourself! The temperature rises rapidly and can kill in a very short time. It’s not so common knowledge though, that many of the patients veterinary professionals see for heat stress and heat stroke…


Pre-Anaesthetic Blood Tests – Why your pet may need them

So 9 year-old “Scruffy” has had her annual check and you’ve been told by your caring vet that she has some dental disease that needs addressing. There are a fair few chunks of tartar clinging to her teeth and her gums are looking pretty inflamed – the explanation for why she’s had a distinctive “eau…


When is it ‘time’? Euthanasia in Pets

This is a difficult subject for clients and vet staff alike. It’s a subject that can make us all feel a little uncomfortable and very sad at the same time. Hopefully, this article will make the decision making process and discussing it with your vet a little easier when it comes to that ‘time’. What…


Preventative Joint Health

At this time of the year, vets see more patients suffering from arthritis and stiffness. The colder weather makes it that much more uncomfortable…. If you think your pet may already have arthritis, have a read of this post: Does Spot Need A Walking Stick? What we’ll be looking at here is how to keep your pet’s…


Yeowling in the night? Cat been in a fight?

Hissing and spitting, howling and yeowling, scratching and scrambling in the backyard… The sounds you hear, may be the only clues you have that your cat’s been in a fight. Sometimes there may be a particular cat that prowls the neighbourhood striking terror into “lessor” felines and their owners…And for anyone that’s read the Lynley…
